Friday, February 18, 2011

All caught up!!!--Feb. 19, 2011

PHEW!!!! I'm finally all caught up! Maybe this will teach me to get behind on my posts!

Oliver's crazy hair!--Feb. 19, 2011

This week at school, they had special days like Crazy Sock Day, Wear Red Day, and today was Crazy Hair Day! Oliver desperately wanted to spike his hair and color it blue! Pat and I gave in and this is what he looked like!

The zoo--Feb. 17, 2011

Yesterday I took Eli to the zoo. He had been there a few times before, but he is just starting to get really excited to see the animals!

He tried so hard to reach this goat...he wanted to give it a "ug" (hug)!

Bubbles--Feb. 11, 2011

At Oliver's Valentine's Day party at school, he won a bottle of bubbles and tried them out with Eli! It was so cute to watch Eli try to catch them!

Two babes in a crib--Feb. 4, 2011

During one of the many snow days this winter, Oliver decided to crawl into Eli's crib! Those two had so much fun rolling around in there and covering up with blankets!

Pretending to be asleep!

Eli playing--Jan. 30, 2011

Eli's new favorite place to sit is in a box! Pat cut out a door for him and he loves to walk in and have a seat!

He is also very attached to his "BALL!" I guess he has seen Oliver play soccer enough that now he loves to kick a ball around!

Eli in a dress!--Jan. 25, 2011

I know...Eli will probably not be very happy with me in a few years, but I was just curious what he would look like in a dress! Pretty darn cute, I think!

Indoor soccer--Jan. 22, 2011

This winter, Oliver started playing indoor soccer with some of his summer soccer teammates. He has really been having fun! (He is number 12.)

Grandma Jaberg's visit--Jan. 21, 2011

Opening Christmas presents with Grandma

My three handsome boys!

Grandma reading books to Eli

Oliver especially loved having Grandma visit! They spent a lot of time together playing Legos!

In fact, they even had a Lego adventure to "India"... a.k.a. Oliver's bed!

Grandma and Eli

Grandma, Eli, and Oliver

Oliver lost ANOTHER tooth!--Jan. 19, 2011

Oliver lost another tooth at school today! Right now he has 6 spaces in his mouth that are missing teeth! It's a wonder he can still chew!

Eli reading a magazine--Jan. 19, 2011

As I was in the kitchen, Eli found one of my magazines and decided to "read" it! I think he spent at least 10 minutes lying on the floor turning pages! He is interested in ANYTHING that has pages!

Snow day--Jan. 11, 2011

We actually had quite a bit of snow this winter. These are some pictures from our first snow. Oliver couldn't wait to get out in it, no matter what the temperature!

And this is the face Eli gave me when I told him he had to stay inside!

Eli wearing a hat--Jan. 7, 2011

Eli thought he was pretty hot stuff with a hat on!

Almost up to date!--Feb. 18, 2010

Okay, so now I've caught up through 2010! Hopefully I will do more later...I hear Eli waking up from his nap!

New toys!--Dec. 26, 2010

Eli playing with his new truck from Kevin and Tonya (and Kiara and Ashely)

Oliver playing with his new Zhu Zhu pets from Darren and Julie (and Brett, Addie, and Ty)

The annual cousins Christmas picture--Dec. 25, 2010

Addie (age 7), Oliver (age 7), Eli (age 1), Ty (age 3), Brett (age 11)

Merry Christmas!!--Dec. 25, 2010

Oliver and Eli

Eli still wasn't quite sure what to do with his presents!

Oliver gave Eli this push toy and he LOVED it! He walked around plowing through all of the wrapping paper on the floor!

Eli also got a baby! He gave it a big hug and squeezed it as hard as he could!

Oliver's big surprise was an electric motor scooter!

Even though it was FREEZING outside, he hurried out to give it a try!

Gingerbread house--Dec. 21, 2010

Decorating a gingerbread house has become a Christmas tradition for Oliver!